The MSP Control Panel is useful if either applies to your company:
you're managing the network on-behalf of multiple clients
don't want all monitored devices on the same Panorama9 Dashboard
With the MSP Control Panel you're able to:
Check status (issues and P9 Agent deployment etc.) of all your clients in one overview
Add more clients
Sign in to your clients' P9 Dashboard and see all details with a single click
Create new clients
If you want to add more clients simply click "Create new client" in the menu to the left. Please make sure to use a unique email address for the first user (an email which haven't been used for other client accounts), since this is used as a unique identifier for the client account. Also, a welcome email will be send to this address with username and password which can be used to sign in directly to the client P9 Dashboard.
When a new client is created it will automatically appear in the MSP Control Panel and you can easily navigate to P9 Dashboard by clicking the client name.
Download the P9 Agent for your clients
Please note that a unique agent is built for each of your clients (by the way, the file names for the Agents contain the client names which helps avoid confusion). This means that the machines you install the Agents on will automatically show up in the right client Dashboard without the need for any configurations. You can download the Agent for each of your clients in three different ways:
Clicking the gear icon next to the client name in the MSP Control Panel.
Navigate to the client P9 Dashboard and click "Downloads"
The welcome email that was sent to the first user when creating the client contains download link to the P9 Agent.
Adjust settings (change client names, edit responsible users, apply templates, etc.)
In order to change the name for one of your clients, simply click the gear next to the client name and type in an alternative display name.
The MSP Control Panel allows you to create users for staff members who'll be able to sign in to the MSP Control Panel and be made "responsible" for clients. When creating a new user, you'll be able to set user type - dictating permissions the user will hold.
Billing and plans
We're flexible when it comes to billing. We know you don't want to receive a bunch of monthly invoices, which is why we offer to roll up the invoices, so you only receive a single invoice from us, for all of your clients.
Want to have access to the MSP Control Panel?
Just sign up here and check that the box marked "My company AND my customers" is selected.