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All CollectionsThe Panorama9 AgentConfiguration
Configure the P9 Agent for Microsoft Windows
Configure the P9 Agent for Microsoft Windows
IT-Man avatar
Written by IT-Man
Updated over a week ago

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Once the Panorama9 Agent has been installed it will run silent in the background collecting information about the machine and forward it to the Panorama9 cloud. The agent is automatically updated when a new version is released.

Command-line utilities

From time to time you're required to do maintenance work on e.g. a server. Any monitored services that you stop will result in Panorama9 generating an issue and sending you a notification, if you've configured the dashboard to warn you when something is broken. Rebooting the server would result in even more notifications coming your way. Until you've completed your work a stream of disturbing and needless notifications could be filling up your inbox. This is easily avoided by temporarily suspending notifications.

Suspend notifications:

"%ProgramFiles%\Panorama9\p9-suspend-notifications.exe" -h

(Note: The "-h" argument lists required and available command-line arguments)

You may through the command-line enable/disable the Panorama9 Connect client. Use this with e.g. a logon script if you wish to bulk enable the Panorama9 Connect client.

Enable Panorama9 Connect (allow permanently access):

"%ProgramFiles%\Panorama9\p9-connect.exe" --start

(Note: The "-h" argument lists required and available command-line arguments)

Manually start and stop the Panorama9 Agent

You may stop the Panorama9 Agent through the Microsoft Windows Service application. Scroll down and locate the "Panorama9 Agent" service and click "Stop Service". This will stop the Panorama9 Agent and any communication with the Panorama9 cloud. To disable the built-in update engine stop the "Panorama9 Agent Updater" service. To start the Panorama9 Agent again just click on "Start Service" and it will resume reporting to the Panorama9 cloud.

Disable automatic start of the P9 tray application

The Panorama9 Agent automatically starts the tray application when an user logins to the desktop. However, if you prefer to disable the tray application just edit the registry key:
32bit system


64bit system


"DWORD" should be set to 1 in order to disable the tray icon (0=enabled)

The Panorama9 agent will continue to run silent in the background and report to the Panorama9 cloud.

Change classification of machine from "computer" to "server"

The Panorama9 backend will automatically guess if your Microsoft Windows installation is a server or a regular workstation. However if you wish to force set the classification it can easily be changed.

To do this, you’ll have to edit the registry:

32bit system


64bit system


"DWORD" should be set to 1 in order to force the Panorama9 system to see the machines as a server

(If the regkey doesn't exist, then create a new DWORD value under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Panorama9\Agent\ give it the name ForceHandleAsServer and set the value to 1)

After changing this, the P9 Agent should be restarted.

Configuration tool: Add device to given client Dashboard

This tool allows you to configure which client Dashboard the Panorama9 Agent should belong to (only relevant if your Panorama9 subscription includes the MSP Control Panel).

To configure the P9 Agent for Windows, run the tool:


To generate an API key login to the the Panorama9 MSP Control Panel, then navigate to "Extensions" -> "P9 Agent" and enable the agent configuration key.

You must copy the API key that is generated as it is needed for later on in the process. It must be pasted in when you run the configuration tool.

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