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How to use Groups
IT-Man avatar
Written by IT-Man
Updated over a week ago

Groups are a collection of machines (servers and/or computers). Useful when you want particular settings to apply to many machines. Instead of typing a long list of machine names you can just use the group name.

Table of contents

You can read about creating and managing groups here.


Just as you can restrict a Notifier to a specific machine you can also restrict it to specific groups.

For example you may want your Exchange specialist to receive notifications for all your Microsoft Exchange servers. In this case you simply create a group with all your Microsoft Exchange servers and add it to a Notifier that you setup to notify the right person.

If you have a policy of only alerting people on the weekend if issues are server related you can use the pre-defined group "Servers"

Start writing the name of a group (in "Only notify me about some machines") and the suggest list will allow you to pick amongst the saved groups.
Added group items are identified by the blue hue, machine items are kept in white.
You may combine both singular machines and groups.

If you later add more machines to a group these will automatically be spotted and used at the next Notification event.
Likewise, if you remove machines from a group the changes will propagate immediately once "Save" has been pressed.


The main device list with all your servers, workstations, switches etc. can become very big if you manage a large network. As your network increases in size it becomes harder to get an overview of a group of machines, say the workstations belonging to the support crew.

The group filter helps you focus on one particular group at a time. For example you can put all the workstations belonging to the support crew, into a group called "support-workstations". Once you select that group in the Filter dropdown only machines belonging to that group will be shown on the list.


Using groups to exclude machines from the Antivirus or Network monitors saves a lot of hassle if you e.g. don't want Panorama9 to create issues for Network monitors on your servers.
You can of course use your own custom created groups or just use the default ones that Panorama9 supplies.


Managing what machines to patch or not to patch is a snap using groups in Patch management.
If for example a set of production servers require special care or patching procedures simply add the group containing these in the "Exclude machines from receiving patches" section.
You can combine both groups and single machines.
Note that the system will look up the group contents and exclude the machines found at the time when the system actually is about to carry out the patching.


Applying custom threshold values for issues on machines and devices is a powerful way to control the deeper level configuration of the Panorama9 system. Settings can be applied on individual machines or groups of machines. Use custom groups of servers or computers to apply particular thresholds to multiple machines, simply by writing a group name in the "Apply to these devices only" field.

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