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Mass editing asset information
IT-Man avatar
Written by IT-Man
Updated over a week ago

Panorama9 helps you manage your assets. For each device you can note things such as when the warranty will expire, when the device was first used, cost of the device and where to find drivers etc.

Device information is found under the device details view when clicking on the hardware tab.

If you have several devices that share traits it can be tedious to note the same information over and over. Or maybe you extended the warranty for a bunch of your devices and need to change the date for all of them.

In this case it pays to use the mass editing functionality of Panorama9. Go to Assets -> Devices and select and edit device information for multiple devices in one go.

Selecting the assets

You can select devices manually by clicking on them in the list (remember not to click on the name as that is a link to that devices details). If you want to select a range or deselect individual assets Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click (Cmd+Click on OS X) are supported too.

You can also use the Filters to narrow down your selection and use the Select X items button to select several devices in one click.

If you mess up your selection you can always deselect by clicking a new row or the Clear selection button.

Editing your selection

Once you are satisfied with your selection of devices you can edit them all by clicking the Edit button.

A window pops up which allows you to fill out information common to the devices you've selected. If you don't turn on a field nothing will be written, if you turn on a field but write nothing in it then whatever may have been filled out will be overwritten.

In this example the Warranty, Drivers and Contract fields will be filled out for 14 devices. Note also the exclamation mark warning that one or more of the devices already have the Warranty field filled.

If you want to double check which devices you are editing you can always click Review the selection which will take you back to the asset list with Filters set to only show your selection.

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