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Does the P9 Agent run as a service/daemon?
IT-Man avatar
Written by IT-Man
Updated over a week ago

Yes, and with at few small difference depending on type of operating system.

  • Microsoft Windows: The P9 Agent runs two services: ”Panorama9 Agent” and ”Panorama9 Agent Updater” (which automatically keeps the agent updated). See here for information about how to start/stop the P9 services.

  • Mac OS X: The P9 Agent runs two privileged Launch Agents: "com.panorama9.daemon" and "com.panorama9.updater" (which automatically keeps the agent updated). See here for information about how to start/stop the P9 LaunchDaemon.

  • Linux: The P9 Agent runs as a non-privileged daemon: "p9-agent". A daily cron job keeps the Agent updated. See here for information about how to start/stop the P9 daemon.

The Agent takes up approximately 15 MB of disc space, less than 20 MB of memory on average and almost no processor or network bandwidth usage.

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